Bosses these days are small, even if they think they're brutal. But that's what it is - the status is decisive, and if you're the boss, you're sure to get your ass licked, in the truest, literal sense of the word. As for the assistant, I do not know what it is in the work on the main profile, but in bed a real professional. Not a single flaw, all and all a 10 out of 10!
Daddy sure is quick - got in and fucked his daughters like whores. But then again - he's responsible for their upbringing, so he's entitled to it. They even observe the line to get their pussy in. Sluts need society, too, and he can teach them to be their best. And I think - he's succeeded. I see they deftly worked his cock and even enjoyed it when he cummed in their open mouths.
Too much drool